Common Setup Problems
General Setup Problems
Restarting IntelliJ with invalidated caches (File > Invalidate Caches…) might resolve the current issue.
When facing issues with deep dependencies and changes were made to the
file, executingnpm install --force
might resolve the issue.When encountering a compilation error due to
invalid source release
make sure that you have set the Java version properly at 3 placesFile > Project Structure > Project Settings > Project > Project SDK
File > Project Structure > Project Settings > Project > Project Language Level
File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle > Gradle JVM
On the first startup, there might be issues with the
table. You can resolve the issue by executingALTER TABLE text_block CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
in your database.One typical problem in the development setup is that an exception occurs during the database initialization. Artemis uses Liquibase to automatically upgrade the database scheme after the data model has changed. This ensures that the changes can also be applied to the production server. In case you encounter errors with Liquibase checksum values:
Run the following command in your terminal / command line:
./gradlew liquibaseClearChecksums
You can manually adjust the checksum for a breaking changelog:
If you are using a machine with limited RAM (e.g. ~8 GB RAM) you might have issues starting the Artemis Client. You can resolve this by following the description in Using the command line