Programming Exercise Adjustments

There are several variables that can be configured when using programming exercises. They are presented in this separate section to keep the ‘normal’ setup guide shorter.

Path Variables

There are variables for several paths:

  • artemis.repo-clone-path

    Repositories that the Artemis server needs are stored in this folder. This e.g. affects repositories from students which use the online code editor or the template/solution repositories of new exercises, as they are pushed to the VCS after modification.

    Files in this directory are usually not critical, as the latest pushed version of these repositories are also stored at the VCS. However, changed that are saved in the online code editor but not yet committed will be lost when this folder is deleted.

  • artemis.repo-download-clone-path

    Repositories that were downloaded from Artemis are stored in this directory.

    Files in this directory can be removed without loss of data, if the downloaded repositories are still present at the VCS. No changes to the data in the VCS are stored in this directory (or they can be retrieved by performing the download-action again).

  • artemis.template-path

    Templates are available within Artemis. The templates should fit to most environments, but there might be cases where one wants to change the templates.

    This value specifies the path to the templates which should overwrite the default ones. Note that this is the path to the folder where the templates folder is located, not the path to the templates folder itself.


Templates are shipped with Artemis (they can be found within the src/main/resources/templates folder in GitHub). These templates should fit well for many deployments, but one might want to change some of them for special deployments.

As of now, you can overwrite the jenkins folders that is present within the src/main/resources/templates folder by placing a templates/ directory with the same structure next to the Artemis .war archive. Files that are present in the file system will be used, if a file is not present in the file system, it is loaded from the classpath (e.g. the .war archive).

We plan to make other folders configurable as well, but this is not supported yet.

Jenkins Template

The build process in Jenkins is stored in a config.xml-file (in src/main/resources/templates/jenkins/). It is extended by a Jenkinsfile in the same directory that will be placed inside the config.xml file. The Jenkinsfile handles the functionality shared by all programming languages like checking out the repositories and loading the actual exercise-specific pipeline script from the Artemis server.


When overriding the Jenkinsfile with a custom one, note that it must start either

  • with pipeline (there must not be a comment before pipeline, but there can be one at any other position, if the Jenkinsfile-syntax allows it)

  • or the special comment // ARTEMIS: JenkinsPipeline in the first line.

The actual programming language or exercise-type specific pipeline steps are defined in the form of scripted pipelines. In principle, this is a Groovy script which allows structuring the pipeline into smaller methods and allows conditionally executing steps, but inside still allows the core structure blocks from declarative pipelines. You can override those pipeline.groovy files with the template mechanism described above.

Inside the pipeline.groovy some placeholders exist that will be filled by Artemis upon exercise creation from the server or exercise settings:

pipeline.groovy placeholders





The container image that the tests will run in.

Server configuration


Additional flags passed to Docker when starting the container.

Server configuration


Defines if static code analysis should be performed.

Exercise configuration

The pipeline.groovy file can be customized further by instructors after creating the exercise from within Artemis via the ‘Edit Build Plan’ button on the details page of the exercise.

Caching Maven Dependencies with Sonatype Nexus

With Sonatype Nexus you can run a caching server in your local network for Maven dependencies. An alternative approach for caching is with docker volumes, see Caching with Docker Volumes.


The following steps assume is the host and is using port 8443 for the cache. Adapt the URLs for your actual setup.

Sonatype Nexus Setup

  1. Set up Sonatype Nexus to run on e.g. in a Docker container behind a proxy.

  2. In the initial setup steps: Allow anonymous access.

  3. Set up the Maven proxy repository:
    1. Create a new repository (Repository - Repositories - Create repository) of type maven2 (proxy) with name maven-proxy.

    2. The remote URL is

  4. Optionally create a new cleanup policy under Repository - Cleanup Policies
    1. Format: maven2

    2. Release type: Releases & Pre-releases/Snapshots

    3. Cleanup criteria: e.g. ‘Component Usage 14’ will remove all files that have not been downloaded for 14 days.

    4. You can now add this cleanup policy to the policies in the repository you created earlier.

Adding proxy to a Maven build

The following changes have to be made inside the tests repository.

Option 1

Configure Maven so that it can find your Maven cache:


Option 2 (more rigorous alternative)

This setup forces Maven to exclusively download dependencies from the own proxy.

<settings xmlns=""
    <name>Artemis Cache</name>

Adding proxy to a Gradle build

The following changes have to be made inside the tests repository.

repositories {
    maven {
        url ""
    // …
Gradle build.gradle.kts
repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("")
    // …

Security Considerations

When you are using secret tests as part of your exercise, you might want to restrict network traffic leaving the CI run to avoid students leaking information.


In Jenkins setups, you can restrict the network access by adjusting the pipeline.groovy script. Add some flags to the dockerFlags variable:

dockerFlags += '--add-host "" \
    --network "artemis-restricted"'

Additionally, on the CI runner host you will have to create the artemis-restricted Docker network and some iptables firewall rules to restrict traffic:

docker network create --opt artemis-restricted
iptables -I DOCKER-USER -i artemis-restr -j DROP
iptables -I DOCKER-USER -i artemis-restr -d $IP_OF_ARTEMIS_EXAMPLE_COM_CACHE -p tcp --dport 8443 -j ACCEPT

Caching with Docker Volumes

With Docker volumes you can cache Maven dependencies. An alternative approach for caching is with Sonatype Nexus, see Caching Maven Dependencies with Sonatype Nexus.

Example for Maven

The container image used to run the maven-tests already contains a set of commonly used dependencies (see artemis-maven-docker). This significantly speeds up builds as the dependencies do not have to be downloaded every time a build is started. However, the dependencies included in the container image might not match the dependencies required in your tests (e.g. because you added new dependencies or the container image is outdated).

You can cache the maven-dependencies also on the machine that runs the builds (that means, outside the container) by editing the pipeline.groovy template.

Adjust the dockerFlags variable:

dockerFlags = '#dockerArgs -v artemis_maven_cache:/maven_cache -e MAVEN_OPTS="-Dmaven.repo.local=/maven_cache/repository"'

Note that this might allow students to access shared resources (e.g. jars used by Maven), and they might be able to overwrite them. You can use Ares to prevent this by restricting the resources the student’s code can access.

Alternatively, you can restrict the access to the mounted volume by changing the dockerFlags to

dockerFlags = '#dockerArgs -e MAVEN_OPTS="-Dmaven.repo.local=/maven_cache/repository"'

and changing the testRunner method into

void testRunner() {

    docker.image(dockerImage).inside(dockerFlags) { c ->

private void setup() {
    if (isSolutionBuild) {
        dockerFlags += " -v artemis_maven_cache:/maven_cache"
    } else {
        dockerFlags += " -v artemis_maven_cache:/maven_cache:ro"

This mounts the cache as writeable only when executing the tests for the solution repository, and as read-only when running the tests for students’ code.

Example for Gradle

In case of always writeable caches you can set -e GRADLE_USER_HOME=/gradle_cache as part of the dockerFlags instead of the MAVEN_OPTS like above.

For read-only caches like in the Maven example, define setup() as

private void setup() {
    if (isSolutionBuild) {
        dockerFlags += ' -e GRADLE_USER_HOME="/gradle_cache"'
        dockerFlags += ' -v artemis_gradle_cache:/gradle_cache'
    } else {
        dockerFlags += ' -e GRADLE_RO_DEP_CACHE="/gradle_cache/caches/"'
        dockerFlags += ' -v artemis_gradle_cache:/gradle_cache:ro'

Security Considerations

When you are using secret tests as part of your exercise, you might want to disable network traffic leaving the CI run to avoid students leaking information. Thanks to the fact that the cache is prepared while running for the solution, you can disable the network for students submissions. Adjust dockerFlags and mavenFlags only for student submissions, like this:

private void setup() {
    if (isSolutionBuild) {
        // handle docker flags
    } else {
        // handle docker flags
        // if not solution repo, disallow network access from containers
        dockerFlags += ' --network none'
        mavenFlags += ' --offline'

Timeout Options

You can adjust possible timeout options for the build process in Integrated Code Lifecycle Setup. These values will determine what is the minimum, maximum, and default value for the build timeout in seconds that can be set in the Artemis UI. The max value is the upper limit for the timeout, if the value is set higher than the max value, the max value will be used.

If you want to change these values, you need to change them in localci and buildagent nodes. The corresponding configuration files are application-localci.yml and application-buildagent.yml.

            min: <value>
            max: <value>
            default: <value>