Manage Standardized Competencies (Administrator)

Standardized Competencies

The Standardized Competency Catalog is a catalog of competencies that is accessible to all instructors in an Artemis instance. Instructors may view this catalog and import competencies from it into their course.
The competencies consist of a title, description and taxonomy. Instead of being tied to specific courses, competencies are organized under knowledge areas.
Knowledge areas may also contain other knowledge areas, enabling a hierarchical structure (e.g., Artificial Intelligence -> Machine Learning).

Manage Standardized Competencies


This is the documentation for administrators. If you are looking for the documentation on importing standardized competencies as an instructor, go here.


To use this feature, the standardized competency feature toggle needs to be enabled. To enable it go to Server Administration -> Feature Toggles and make sure the box next to StandardizedCompetencies is checked

Administrators can manage the standardized competency catalog of their Artemis instance in the Standardized Competency Management view.
They can filter the displayed content by competency title and knowledge area. Clicking on a knowledge area expands it and clicking on the eye icon shows the knowledge area details on the right.
From this details view they can edit or delete the knowledge area, or create new knowledge areas and competencies under it. Likewise, clicking on a standardized competency opens its details, allowing administrators to edit or delete it.
Finally, administrators can also import a standardized competency catalog from a JSON file, or export the standardized competency catalog of their Artemis instance into a JSON file.


Import a Standardized Competency Catalog


To obtain a file containing a standardized competency catalog, you can contact the Artemis developer team.

When importing, administrators first view a collapsible example of the expected file structure. They can then select a file containing standardized competencies from their local system.
Artemis displays a preview of the knowledge areas and competencies that will be imported and administrators can view the details for each competency by clicking on it.
After clicking on import, the complete catalog will be imported into the Artemis instance.
