GitLab CI and GitLab Setup

This section describes how to set up a programming exercise environment based on GitLab CI and GitLab.


Depending on your operating system, it might not work with the predefined values (host.docker.internal). Therefore, it might be necessary to adapt these with e.g. your local IP address.



This section describes how to set up a development environment for Artemis with GitLab and GitLab CI. The same basic steps as for a GitLab and Jenkins setup apply, but the steps that describe generating tokens for Jenkins can be skipped. For a production setup of GitLab, also see the documentation of the GitLab and Jenkins setup.


  1. Depending on your operating system and your Docker installation, it is necessary to update the host file of your machine to include the following lines:       host.docker.internal
    ::1             host.docker.internal
  2. Start GitLab and the GitLab Runner
    docker-compose -f docker/gitlab-gitlabci.yml up -d
  3. Get your GitLab root password
    docker exec artemis-gitlab grep 'Password:' /etc/gitlab/initial_root_password
  4. Generate an access token

    Go to http://localhost:8081/-/profile/personal_access_tokens and generate an access token with all scopes. This token is used for generating a runner token and in the Artemis configuration as artemis.version-control.token.

  5. Allow outbound requests to local network

    For setting up the webhook between Artemis and GitLab, it is necessary to allow requests to the local network. Go to http://localhost:8081/admin/application_settings/network and allow the outbound requests. More information about this aspect can be found in the GitLab setup instructions (step 12).

GitLab Runner

  1. Create a runner token

    In order to create a token which can be used to register a runner, go to http://localhost:8081/admin/runners/new. Alternatively you can execute the command below with the personal access token generated before.

    curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <gitlab-personal-access-token>" \
    --data "runner_type=instance_type" \
    --data "run_untagged=true" \
    --data "access_level=not_protected" \
  1. Register a new runner

    Then execute this command with the registration token:

    docker exec -it artemis-gitlab-runner gitlab-runner register \
    --non-interactive \
    --executor "docker" \
    --docker-image alpine:latest \
    --url http://host.docker.internal:8081 \
    --token "REGISTRATION_TOKEN" \
    --description "docker-runner"

    You should now find the runner in the list of runners (http://localhost:8081/admin/runners)


Adding a runner in a production setup works the same way. The GitLab administration page also contains alternative ways of setting up GitLab runners. All variants should allow the passing of the configuration options tag-list, run-untagged, locked, and access-level similarly as in the Docker command above. If forgotten, Artemis might not use this runner to run the tests for exercise submissions.



Make sure that the database is empty and contains no data from previous Artemis runs.

  1. Generate authentication token

    The notification plugin has to authenticate to upload the test results. Therefore, a random string has to be generated, e.g., via a password generator. This should be used in place of notification-plugin-token value in the example config below.

  2. Configure Artemis

    For local development, copy the following configuration into the application-local.yml file and adapt it with the values from the previous steps.

            use-external: false
                username: artemis_admin
                password: gHn7JlggD9YPiarOEJSx19EFp2BDkkq9
                account-name: TUM
            url: http://localhost:8081
            user: root
            password: password # change this value
            token: gitlab-personal-access-token # change this value
            build-timeout: 30
            artemis-authentication-token-value: notification-plugin-token # change this value
            name: Artemis
        url: http://host.docker.internal:8080


In GitLab, the password of a user must not be the same as the username and must fulfill specific requirements. Therefore, there is a random password in the example above.

  1. Start Artemis

    Start Artemis with the gitlab and gitlabci profile.